Newsletter June 2021

Upcoming events – book the dates!
In this newsletter, we will be reporting about the planned study trip to the Netherlands, the newly formed working groups and the introductory meeting in May. But we begin with the great news that around 10 new partners have signed up to the “Food Experience Centre” since April and are now keen to join in with the development of the project.
At the end of May, we arranged a popular introductory meeting for all our partners, which gave an ener-gising boost to our continued work. In addition to a presentation of the current situation and the phy-sical planning from the project team, the meeting also featured a talk by accountmanager development Susanna Butterman, from the ”World Food Center” in the Netherlands, who explained how their project is progressing.
Per Frankelius, from the agricultural innovation initiative Agtech 2030, provided an overview of the food chain, then all the participants were asked to place their logo on their place in the chain and give their re-asons for participating in the ”Food Experience Centre”. With such an inspiring atmosphere, the feeling that most people got from the meeting was of creativity and confidence in the future.
“Väderstad AB’s mission is to help the world’s farmers to produce more high-quality food for a growing population,” declares Susanne Dalskog, VP Group Communication at Väderstad AB. “We’ve supported Mjölby Municipality’s idea for ”Food Experience Centre” from the start and we’re now pleased to see the major influx of partners, and the huge engagement that the project is generating around research and new technologies linked to food production.”
We will now continue to work in smaller groups to substantialize the ideas that the partners want to rea-lise on site in Väderstad. The working groups have been divided into the following themes:
- Food in circular flows
- Logistics and infrastructure
- Food as a destination
- Innovative and exciting technology
- Food associated with exercise and health
- The food and farming of tomorrow
- Väderstad as a destination
Alongside the development work for the ”Food Experience Centre”, the project team is looking for-ward and planning the years running up to the build. Together with public actors in the region, joint project opportunities are being explored at both national and international level. The tide of public opinion is moving in the project’s direction in terms of sustainable consumption, resilient agriculture, education and rural development. The key now is to identify the right project programmes and consor-tiums.
Book these dates
After a period of physical distancing and many online meetings, we are planning a meeting at Mjölby Stadshotell on 2-3 of September, for all the partners in the ”Food Experience Centre”. Invitations and the programme will be sent out later, but please put the dates in your calendar now.
On 27-29 of October, we will be offering a joint study visit to Food Valley and the ”World Food Center” in Ede, in the Netherlands. If you are interested in taking part, please contact – first come first served, as we only have a limited number of places available.
National actors
The project concept is beginning to spread to national actors and we can all see the benefit of joining forces to create a shared showcase for green businesses and the food industry. We are now in the starting blocks, ready to create something unique together for Sweden’s food culture!
If you have any questions or comments, please contact one of us below. Until the next time!
Eva Rådander, Head of Project Food Experience Center
Phone: +46 10-234 51 13
Kim Brax, Project Manager Smaklabbet
Phone: +46 10-234 58 57