Newsletter July 2024

Have a great summer!
It feels like only a couple of weeks at most since we last sent out a newsletter but, as usual, time is passing very quickly and we are now facing summer and holiday times. At the same time, the work on a vision must be allowed to take the time it needs. One of the strengths of this project is that there is a long-term idea and vision adopted in Mjölby municipality to establish an experience centre focused on food, a unique phenomenon of its kind in both national and international perspectives. We have deliberately delayed this newsletter as we have been waiting for a decision from the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth. We have now received a positive decision from the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, which means that exciting things will start happening in the summer of 2025.
Granted application
On 19 March, we submitted an application to the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with the aim of "Developing research and innovation capacity in East Middle Sweden. We call our project, "Pop-up with innovation support", and part of the initiative is to establish a temporary experience centre in a smaller format during the summers of 2025 and 2026 - a "pop-up" in central Väderstad. In the pop-up, parts of the future concept will be tested on the large number of visitors who already flock to Väderstad today. It is an exhibition area where knowledge will be conveyed about modern food production and innovation, but also an opportunity to taste new exciting food, for example based on plant or insect proteins.
The pop-up combines public interest with direct business benefits for companies that need to test new foods on consumers. The availability of such arenas is a well-known shortcoming in the Swedish innovation system in the food sector. The Municipality of Mjölby is the project owner, and thanks to co-financing from Region Östergötland and Agtech Sweden, the investment is made possible. Work on the project and the popup will begin after the summer.
Detailed plan
Work on the detailed plan for the 80 ha area next to the E4 motorway at the entrance to Väderstad that has been reserved for this purpose began at the end of May. Unlike other detailed plans, Mjölby municipality has already carried out many of the necessary preliminary investigations. We therefore have a relatively good idea of where it is possible to build. The idea is to preserve the natural values that exist in order to create a solid environment. We welcome dialogue on this process and plan to invite the public to a local information meeting this autumn.
Advert at the airport
To increase awareness among both the general public and potential investors, the Experience Centre has received some public attention recently. Among other things, you will find our advert in the latest issue of Östgötamat magazine and in the arrivals hall at Linköping Airport.

Arrivals hall at Linköping Airport.
Updated website
It has also been high time to update our website. The work is still ongoing and in addition to what is currently available, there will be a separate page in the future where it is possible to follow our work with the detailed plan and the pop-up in Väderstad. Please take a look at where there are now both sketches of what a future centre could look like and a film that shows more of the feeling we want to convey.
New stakeholders
Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to send a special welcome to our two latest stakeholders. Namely Wiltzén Green and the Swedish Potato Foundation. A warm welcome to us! Mjölby municipality welcomes more partners, please let us know and we will contact you.
Now all that's left for us to do is wish you a great summer and we'll be in touch in the autumn!
Eva Rådander, Head of Project Food Experience Center
Phone: +46 10-234 51 13
Kim Brax, Project Manager Smaklabbet
Phone: +46 10-234 58 57